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What causes Diseases

In energy medicine, disease stems from a weakness or a disturbance in the energy systems of the body: wherein the system of energy is out of balance and not in harmony with the human body.

There are many factors that can adversely affect the flow of energy in the human body.  One such factor is stress.  Prolonged stress may disturb the balance of the energy system.  Stress is not the cause of disease, but open the door to diseases.

Many factors can affect the optimum functioning of the body's biofield. Any form of stress whether physical, emotional, mental or environmental can compromsise the harmony and balance of the biofield.  Researchers report that energy imbalances and blockages occur in the biofield due to trauma, abuses, deficiencies, outside pathogens or auto-intoxication and immune dysfunction.  Other factors that affect the health of the biofield include the possible contamination of our metabolic energy supplies, various man-made electro-magnetic fields and distorted geo-pathic stresses.

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