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Biofield Therapy

Biofield therapies affect energy fields that surround and penetrate the human body.  Examples include: Qi Gong, Reike, Reconnective healing and Therapeutic Touch etc.​

Biofield Therapy is not intended to treat any specific conditions, but provide the healing that the client is need of at the moment of receiving it.

Biofield Therapy involves passing down energy, light and information to the body. This means you're not only getting healings that deal with just physical, mental or emotional issues, but it heals on EVERY level - allowing the evolution of your very being and essence!​



It is important that you not hold any attachment to a particular outcome, as it will not be addressing your symptoms, attempting to diagnose your condition or advise you with regards to medical care.  The Practitioner does not direct the healing, but rather, facilitate the connection between you & the frequencies to provide your complete being with the information that it needs to heal itself on every level.  It sometimes takes weeks or even months for the healing to "seep down" into the physical body, because every aspect of your being is addressed; however people often report an immediate change that begins during the first healing session.

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