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Step 2 - Treat the Symptom Picture

The second step in the 3-step process is to treat the presenting symptom picture. This step is actually the the second half of step one, since both step one and step two should be done concurrently for best results.  Complex homeopathy makes this much easier than classical homeopathy. Simply identify the presenting symptoms, and administer the appropriate remedy. For simplicity sake, this has been divided into systems, as discussed earlier. It is important to remember that no system acts independently of any other system – all areinterrelated and function as a whole. For best results, perform this step simultaneously with Step 1.

Musculoskeletal System – a variety of structural maladies are commonly seen in chiropractic practices.  The skeleton, musculature, and all the associated tissues normally perform flawlessly. Occasionally, however, dysfunction occurs. When it does, homeopathy can assist with any number of remedies
designed specifically to support and enhance the physical structure.

Nervous System – critical for communication within the physical body, occasionally these pathways become blocked or sluggish. Homeopathy can help to unblock and even rebuild the nervous tissue and restore the two-way communication channels throughout the body.

Circulatory System – the physical body depends on blood being delivered to every cell in the body; and the proper removal of waste products from cells and surrounding tissues. When circulatory function is impaired, ill health is quick to follow. Specific homeopathic remedies can help to restore proper circulation quickly.

Respiratory System – the lungs are the point of oxygenation for the blood, assist in elimination of waste gases from cellular metabolism and function as part of the immune system with phagocytosis on the alveolar level. Oxygen means life, and homeopathy can keep the pulmonary system functioning at peak levels.

Gastrointestinal System – even proper nutrition is useless if it cannot be absorbed. Proper pH balance and production of digestive enzymes can be supported by the correct use of combination homeopathic remedies. Solid waste elimination is also critical to the maintenance of health, and may be assisted by the appropriate homeopathic remedies.

Endocrine Glands – similar to the nervous system in function, the endocrine glands are a complex network of communication structures with feedback loops that control multiple functions throughout the physical body. Disorders precipitated by the endocrine system create a treatable symptom picture and
generally require sarcodes (glandular remedies) to help rebuild the involved glands and tissues.

Urinary & Reproductive System – the system of liquid waste elimination in the body is a dynamic equilibrium maintained by thousands of chemical reactions in every part of the body every second of the day. If waste material is allowed to accumulate, a variation of a few tenths of a pH can send the body into crisis. Maintenance of this system is also critical for the continuance of the species.

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