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Blueprint (Information/Frequency)

For the transfer of electrons to the cell, the electrons must have a frequency (distance between rotations of the vortex of energy) that is the same of the cell.

In his book, "The secret of Life," Georges Lakhovsky said: "the cell is an electronmagnetic resonator, capable of emitting and absorbing radiations of every frequency.."  He stated, "the nucleus of the cell consists of a tubular filament, chromosomes and mitochondria, made up of insulating materias and filled with a conducting fluid containing material salts found in sea-water.....These filaments are comparable to oscillating circuits endowed with capacity (the ability to store energy)and self-inductance (energy flowing through a cell causes a magnetic field to be set up around it) and therefore capable of oscillating according to a specific frequency."  Lakhovsky believed that living cells are batteries; the nucleus holds the positive charge and the cytoplasm carries the negative.  If cells were irradiated with a range of electromagnetic oscillations, they could be "recharged" and thus rejuvenated.  A range of frequencies is necessary because the cell and its parts respond to different frequencies.​

In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world.  Taini has determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62-68 MHz.  A healthy body frequency is 62-72 MHz.  When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised.  If the frequency drops to 58 MHz, cold symptoms appears, at 55 MHz, diseases like Candida take hold, at 52 MHz, Epstein Bar and at 42 MHz, degeneration.

We can provide frequency to the body and cells via some frequencies generating devices, essential oils, crystals, minerals etc. 

Some plants run at the same frequencies as humans. When the oils in plants are extracted and concentrated they are called "Essential Oils”.

Essential oils start at 52 MHz and go as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency of Rose oil. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live. In fact, clinical research has proven that 100% pure essential oils are immune stimulating. If you use the appropriate Essential Oil, it can reset the frequencies from the DNA.


​The Earth also provides a multitude of naturally radiating minerals that can be imprinted with specified frequencies. With the addition of these new frequencies, the mineral becomes a reservoir of energy.

This depository of energy responds to the intelligent consciousness of the imbalanced body part as it opens a channel to receive the balancing energy.






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