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Step 1 - Remove the Cause

There is always a causative agent that creates any problem, usually it is a violation of natural law. Whether a nutritional deficiency, stress or the severe trauma of an automobile accident, the cause will continue to manifest itself as “dis-ease” until it is dealt with appropriately. If the cause isn’t dealt with first, any attempts to heal will result in limited success because the causative agent will continue to recreate the condition, regardless of how much therapy is done.

Treating the symptoms picture without alleviating the cause may also result in suppression of symptoms, and the underlying cause of the problem will then be re-expressed as some other disease conditions (i.e. hives, headaches, asthma, etc.).

For best results, perform this step simultaneously with Step 2.

​Stress and Mental Disorders – a variety of homeopathics are available to deal with stress and mental disorders.

Toxicity – the body is a marvel of processing and elimination activities. Occasionally, however, the body is exposed to substances that are not easily flushed from the system and can accumulate causing toxic conditions. Homeopathic detoxification is a gentle, yet effective means of ridding the body of these problem-causing toxins.

​Allergies – an improperly functioning immune system is responsible for allergic reactions (do not confuse true allergies with intolerances). There are a number of allergy products that may be implemented to help the body deal with minor or debilitating allergies. If the general allergy products are not effective, kinesiology or scratch testing may be necessary to isolate the specific antigen causing the allergy, and then a custom homeopathic may be made of that specific allergen.

​Trauma – once a trauma occurs, the body may be in need of repair and ‘re-setting.’ Common homeopathic remedies can effectively do both, assisting the body in overcoming the danger of compensating for a weakness or injury, thus keeping the kinesthetic memory of the trauma alive and preventing true healing to take place.

​Pathogens – infectious agents are everywhere, and an effective immune system continually functions to keep any microbial pathogens at bay. Occasionally, the defenses become impaired and need either a tune-up, or a jump-start to help battle an acute microbial threat. Homeopathic medicine can be especially helpful for those conditions.

​Destructive Energy – geopathic stress, high-voltage power lines, constant exposure to electromagnetic emissions and the like can have a detrimental effect on health. Fortunately, most of these can be counteracted homeopathically, although the ideal situation is to have the patient move away from such exposure.

​Nutritional Imbalance – there are few things that contribute to one’s health (or lack of it) more directly than one’s diet. Regrettably, in our fast-fix fast-food world, proper nutrition is becoming difficult to come by.  Teaching our patients to eat responsibly is critical. Proper nutrition helps the healing process and ensures long-term, on-going health.

​Western Lifestyle – people in our western culture tend to wake before they are rested, inhale a rushed cup of coffee as they drive to work breathing automobile exhaust, sit at a desk all day long breathing recirculated air in artificial sunlight, dash home in the same car breathing the same exhaust, gulp down an end-of-day meal, and then plant themselves in front of the tube for 5-6 hours of vegetative ‘entertainment.’  We need to encourage our patients to get some exercise, breathe some fresh air, eat some fruit and vegetables, and spend some time in the sunshine. Health is nature’s way.

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